Monday, September 26, 2011

I am NOT a tart(e)! I'm just a little limoncello!

Even though my Carlo does not agree, I happen to think Limoncello - especially the homemade variety, as I came to find out - is one of the best sipping liqueurs ever to be formulated.  It's deliciously light, delicately sweet, smooth and tangy on the tongue - it's a 'girly-drink' lover's dream!  Ahhh, the only drawback to that, however, is the ease in which it goes down.  I actually have to stop myself because this is not YO' Grandma's porch swing lemonade!  I know it's supposed to be an after dinner digestif, but it is just so yummy, it's become my go-to just about any time I want a cocktail. (Not THAT often ...)

My friend Noreen (who is just one of those cool people who is always doing something nouveau that amazes me) made a post on FaceBook last year about her Homemade Kahlua being nearly ready.  She made it and disbursed it into the bottles; now all that's left was the waiting.  Hmmm - Homemade Kahlua, I thought.  Of course, I HAD to have the recipe - which she did not part with easily, but after a little coaxing and the promise of my first grandchild, she finally gave it up.  As I read it over, it seemed rather simple.  The hardest part would definitely be the waiting.  Piece o' cake, I thought.

Then, I started thinking.

And for those of you who know me well, yeeeaaah.  That's never usually a good thing.

If I can make Kahlua homemade, then what's to stop me from making other fine liqueurs from scratch.  Yep, FROM. SCRATCH.  It's the thinking that gets me every time.

At this point, I become a crazed net surfer, combing every recipe website conceivable to man, in an attempt to find what luscious libations I could mix up in my tiny little Boca Raton kitchen.  If I call it 'Boca Ratona' and roll the 'r'  and convert my kitchen to a 'cucina' perhaps I might even be able to picture myself along the Amalfi coast as I whip these delights together.  Hey, I've got a water-view out my back door!  It's just a small, man-made lake, but I can use my imagination!  I know it's a stretch, but let's not be a buzzkill, shall we?

Anyway, I digress.

I managed to pull the reigns in on myself and decide on two - YEAH, JUST TWO - recipes to try.  As it turns out, this is really a labor of love because not only do you have to wait like an insane amount of time comparatively speaking (as to going to the packy and grabbing an already made bottle of whatever ... ) but also, it's not cheap.  You still have to BUY the alcohol in which you steep the flavoring.  Additionally, you have to buy whatever fixins you've decided upon to create your chosen beverage.  But, nothing's gonna stop me now.  I'm totally on board and ready to rock.

My choices?  Limoncello for me.  Anisette for Carlo.  It's his fave.

I found several recipes from which to choose throughout my exhaustive search.  And you all know me ... I can never take the easy route, so I decided to sort of take what I thought was the best from each recipe and create my own.  It took a little doing, but this is what I came up with.

First and foremost, save every liquor bottle you can get your hands on because you'll need it.  Otherwise, take a little trip to Ross or TJMaxx and grab a few of those hermetically sealed bottles - they look like this:

They are not expensive and if you decide at some point to share your treasures as a gift, it makes a very nice presentation.

Moving on.

Limoncello Ingredients: (When I made it, I doubled this recipe.  That's why I needed so many bottles)

20 very fresh lemons, make sure to choose fruit that the skins are without blemishes
750 ml of 80 proof vodka 
Here's where things varied: some recipes called for Everclear, which Carl told me would burn the rubber off a tire, and some called for 100 proof vodka.  I made some with the 100 proof and some with the 80 proof and found the 80 to be the best for the most smooth finished product.

4 cups water - divided, for two separate additions 
4 cups sugar - divided, for two separate additions 

Using a vegetable peeler, carefully peel off in strips just the yellow part of the skin of each lemon.  As you're doing this, try very hard not to get any of the white pith with the skin as it will make the final product bitter.

Make sure to save the flesh of the lemons for use in other things such as hummus or salad dressings or with chicken or seafood.

Also, I should have thought to take pictures throughout the process, but I didn't.  I did, however, take a picture of the final product, which I've shared below.

Distribute the lemon peels equally throughout the bottles.

If you want to and it's easier for you, a good substitute for actual bottles at this stage of the process would be mason jars with the hermetic lids - you'll need many of them, though.  Distribute the lemon peels equally at the bottom of each of the empty jars.

Add the vodka to just about the top of each bottle/jar.  

Put lids tightly on each container.  I gave each bottle a little turnsy upside down (just one or two) to get things working.  Store containers in a cool, dry, dark place (a basement is perfect if you have one) for 80 days.  Yeah, I said it.  80 days.  Mark your calendar.  Set an alarm on your phone.  Send out a homing pigeon.  Do whatever you have to do to remember when those 80 days are up.

After the 80 days have surpassed and you've not gone crazy yet with anticipation, bring out your clean bottles - the ones in which the finished libation will remain.  

Put 2 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water into a saucepan on the stove and make a simple syrup.  Basically, just heat the water and stir the sugar until it dissolves.  Let it cool to room temperature.  

Open the bottles/jars with the vodka-lemon peel mixture and - WAIT, before you do anything, take a good long whiff - it's the most beautiful lemony smell ever! - ok, NOW strain the liquid from these containers.  I did it into a big, huge Tupperware that I could safely stir everything without spilling.  To this large Tupperware, add the simple syrup and stir well.  Using a ladle and a funnel, distribute this mixture evenly throughout the clean bottles.

This next part's gonna drive you crazy.  Sorry.

Let these bottles sit for 20 more days.  I know it's killer, but it really does make it better and more smooth.

After the 20 days have passed, put a couple of ice cubes in a small juice glass and pour yourself just enough Limoncello to wet your whistle.  As you sample your creation, pay close attention to the burn, as it shouldn't - it should be smooth and sultry, gentle dancing of sweet, sugary lemon on your tongue, velvety on it's way down.  At this point, if it's too strong (as was the case with mine), now is the time to make the second batch of simple syrup with the remaining water and sugar.  Unfortunately, this means pouring the limoncello back into the big, huge Tupperware, mixing it all again and redistributing it throughout the bottles (you may also need an additional bottle at this point.)

Once you've done this, give it another quick taste if you'd like, but it should be absolute perfection.  

Store the bottles in the freezer as Limoncello is best served ice cold.  Because of the vodka, no need to worry about the final product freezing.

Here's what mine look like:

I actually have one more bottle that's in a hermetically sealed container, but the bottle is orange and it just throws the whole yellow theme all off so it didn't make the picture cut.

Buon Appetito!!!

If you decide to take the plunge and make this, please PLEASE message me or post to this blog to let me know and send pics!!!!  I would LOVE to see it!

OK, folks, that's enough thinking for today.  I will share the anisette recipe soon.

My best to all of you!  Have a really wonderful day and have fun!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Best Friends Contest: Organic Soul Photography

Do you have a best friend? Does your child have a particular friend they are in sync with, totally? Is your spouse your best bud in the whole world? I am announcing a new contest! Post your favorite picture of you and your bestie, or write a post describing you both and why your relationship is so special. Get your friends to come and 'Like' Organic Soul Photography and then they get to vote on the cutest, sweetest best amigos! The besties with the most votes win a FREE photo session together and a FREE 8 x 10! Start posting your entries NOW!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Best

Happy Holidays, Everyone!  Those cheery days are drawing near ... which gave me a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with one of my very favorite families!  I really do love these guys!  We had a blast in the park and the kids had fun in their Christmas best!  This is just a little teaser.  The rest of the pics will be posted on the Organic Soul Photography Facebook page.

Look for us there!

Happy Holidays to ALL and may the Lord's richest blessings be with you this season and always!



Monday, December 6, 2010

sleepless nights ...

Hi everyone!  I've been battling back and forth with a slight case of insomnia for about a month now.  Although I am exhausted by the end of the day, once I get into bed (next to my wonderful hubby - it's my favorite place to be) and settle in for the night, my brain decides it's been far too dormant for the day and makes up for lost time.  At warp speed. Yeah, I know you've all been there.  

One of the plethora of thoughts to cross my mind last night was a theme that was woven throughout my childhood - a mother duck and her ducklings.  Weird, I know, but just bear with me for a minute ... My Dad always referred to my Mom as the 'mother duck' and my brothers and sister and I were her 'little ducklings'.  When we were well behaved, we would be 'all in a row' and when one of us strayed, well, you get the picture.  He would always give her cards, pictures, figurines depicting this theme.  Quite sweet and endearing. This led me to remember a time not so long ago when Gracie - our youngest - and I were returning from the store and crossing our street were a mother duck and her fluffy little ducklings.  Not too far prior to this, a different female momma set up her nest against the side of our home.  Needless to say, she proved to be quite neglectful because she would lay an egg or two a day and then take off at night to do God knows what and leave the eggs unattended!  I remember the entire family being horrified!  We have many rogue animals here in Florida, not the least frightening of which is the wily 'o-possum', who loves to feast on freshly laid duck eggs.  Those yet-to-be ducklings never stood a chance.  Every one of them.  Eaten.  One or two a night - as if the o-possum knew it's meals were set for the week and planned his menu ... 

Imagine how refreshing it was to see that even though the Heidi Fleiss of ducks chose our home to try to do as nature was calling her to, although she was well, quite unsuccessful; nature, instinct, life ultimately prevailed.  

What's the purpose of the thought process?  I asked my brain the very same question. ( ... at 2:25 am)  I think the point of the meandering journey was that even though we are surrounded by so many influences that have the potential to veer us quite far off our destined course, the truth is, each of us has an instinct, a voice, a pull - conscience, will, God - that draws us nearer and closer to that right thing.  Thankfully, as human beings, we have a far greater potential to realize when we are dangerously off the mark and even once we've gone quite awry, are basically still able to make it back.  That awareness - that belief - gives me hope.  

I do wonder if the duck who chose our home will ever have the ability of hatch little ducklings?  Not this spring, anyway, but there's always hope for next year!  In the meantime, even though these aren't part of my 'professional repertoire' - Gracie was the artist in this shoot - I thought I'd share the pictures of the little ducklings we saw that day - the ones that made it!

The Heidi Fleiss of the Muscovy Ducks
Oh, and PS:  any suggestions to scare away the wide-eyed nights would be much appreciated!

Thanks for dropping by.  Please visit my Facebook page - I added some new pics!  Here's to soul-searching!


Friday, December 3, 2010

embarking on a new journey ... sort of

Christmas is my very favorite time of year - ask anyone who knows me ... Christmas carols start resonating throughout the house on November 1st, much to the dismay of my family members.  And I never really take down ALL the decorations; there are usually a few stragglers ... pretty much whatever my favorite new acquisitions are for the season, they earn their keep and become permanent fixtures in our home.  My family does tolerate me, thank goodness, which is one of the blessings I count in my day to day life.  (I wonder if they would be as tolerant if they knew I actually play the carols on my iPod in July ... I'm thinking 'no'.)  At any rate, I thought with it being Advent and all, this would be the perfect time to start putting a little extra effort into making a name for myself in this business world.  So, as they say, '... AWAY we go!'

Although I've been taking photographs for years, I never actually put myself out there (mostly because I've never really been sure where 'there' is ... ) to try to obtain business.  I haven't done much advertising and really only relied on referrals from friends who have trusted me enough through the years to allow me to be privy to some of the most endearing and captivating moments in their lives.  What an incredible honor.  So now, I think I've finally arrived to the point at which I wish to spread my wings.  This is going to be fun. New people, new places, new moments.  I can't wait.

So spread the word - to all your friends and family - my goal is to capture those moments which nurture the heart and soul of a relationship, a person, a pet ... in a special setting, at a special event, or for a special holiday.  I look forward to getting to you know and those who are special to you.

Thank you for sharing my inaugural post and embarkation into my newest, most enthralling endeavor.  Please check back as I will post teasers and comments often.

Here's to soul-searching!
